a strange phenomenon
all tomato sellers sit together
not understanding the rules of competition
or the statistics of chance that their produce
might never be selected in a sea of tomato..
as do the curio sellers
Worth a 1000 words, captured at random times, on random days
Dennis, explain to me why this is. Is it that they "don't understand," or that this style of capitalist sales is new, or perhaps that they've never been taught the concept of value-added food? (It seems to me that a single salesperson could advance way beyond the rest it they were to dry the tomatoes and either sell them bagged for easy storage or in small jars with oil for preservation...and flavored oil. Is it just that I've been exposed to more and different types of food and manners of preserving?) I mean, even the logic of placing oneself next to another vegetable cart where no tomatoes are to be had that happens to be closer to the market's entrance...or is it that they prefer the commeraderie of their fellow tomato-growers?